
Message from CT...

The key to success is the knowledge one gathers from the relationships we make and the experiences of others. If you have just discovered CT Jewelry Design, I encourage you to subscribe and follow along. Feedback is always welcomed! - CT

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Green Tip

Do you get too much Junk Mail?
Go to http://www.dmaconsumers.org/ and register to get off junk mail lists. In about three months you'll see a big reduction. - CT


KayzKreationz said...

Also, if you get junk mail and have a shredder, you can shred your junk mail and then use it as mulch around your flowers, garden, etc. Since it may not look pretty, put it down thick and then top with a thin layer of the pretty stuff to hide the shredded paper.

CT said...

That's a great idea! Thanks for the extra tip! - CT

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