
Message from CT...

The key to success is the knowledge one gathers from the relationships we make and the experiences of others. If you have just discovered CT Jewelry Design, I encourage you to subscribe and follow along. Feedback is always welcomed! - CT

Monday, November 24, 2008

Road to Success

In order to understand where you want to be in life you must identify where you want to end up. In other words you need a clear understand of what your ultimate destination is and which roads you must follow to get there.

These roads are goals that will get you to your outcome. Don’t confuse goals with outcomes. Goals are conceptual as they guide your actions. Outcomes are what really happen which often times aren’t always how you envisioned it. Sometimes the outcomes can be even better than what your original goal was. Your ability to adapt and stay flexible is extremely important, so don’t be ridged.

Goals should be an extension of your values. Life becomes meaningful and exciting when your goals support what you believe in. Set challenging but realistic goals. They should be very specific with an objective and a deadline so you can measure your progress.

Keep in mind that setting goals is hard work. It requires time and soul searching. Many people have a fear of failing. Others feel if they don’t set goals they can’t fail. While that may be true they won’t succeed either. Then there are those who have a fear of success because they don’t value themselves enough to feel they deserve success.

Don’t be afraid that you won’t reach your goals. The first step in reaching your goals is deciding which road you want to follow. Then get on the road and follow it. Chances are when you arrive you’ll want to go even farther. - CT


KayzKreationz said...

Great article, CT. Good things to think about and try to figure out where you're going.

CT said...

Thanks JStone. I appreciate the feedback! - CT

CT said...

Hi Kay! Thanks for the comment. I was always the one that said, "Are we there yet?". Ha Ha Ha! - CT

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